Tuesday November 22nd 4/6/8-Count Drill This can be done for both Freestyle and Backstroke. Kick on your side for a count of 4, 6 or 8 kicks (or counts). Take one full arm stroke to rotate to your other side for another 4, 6, or 8 kicks, and continue through […]
Monthly Archives: November 2011
3 posts
Tuesday November 15th Vertical Flutter Kick Improves endurance, rotation and corrects too much knee action. In deep water, kick with hands crossed at shoulders. Rotate every third kick to simulate the six-beat kick. For a more challenging version, raise your arms overhead (think water polo) or even into a full […]
Tuesday Drill Blog: Fist: to promote “feel” for the water. Swim like regular freestyle, except you hold either one or both of your hands in a fist. Vary the pattern and the number of strokes that you are “fisted.” When you unclench your hand, you should notice a difference in […]